Saturday, February 21, 2009

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Friday, February 6, 2009

5 Top Quit Smoking Methods to Get the Best Quit Smoking Results

There are many quit smoking methods that you can apply in order to kick away your bad habit of smoking. Some may work and some may not work for you. Whatever method that you choose, you must have a strong desire and determination to make it work. Here are 5 of the top quit smoking methods that you can try today.

1) Patches

Patches are not that expensive and you can get it at pharmacies or you can get a prescription from your health doctor. Let me point out that you might not get good quit smoking results using patches. As you can see, patches are only tools that can aid you in your quest to stop smoking. If you do not have any willingness to stop buying those cigarettes, patches will not do you any good.

2) Join Group of People That Have Same Interest

If you are looking for best quit smoking results after doing something, then joining a group of people who want to quit smoking can really help. It is easy to get motivated when you are among these people. You can change ideas and share your experience with each other.

The more people in your group, the better it will become. Do not be shy to ask questions if you still having a hard time to stop your bad habit of smoking. People in your group will gladly help you to succeed.

3) Laser Therapy Treatment

Among all, this is probably the most expensive quit smoking methods you could choose. However, expensive or not, if you have the money, there is no wrong doing it. By using a laser therapy treatment, even a heavy smoker can stop smoking almost in an instant. This treatment will help you in taking care of physical aspects of the smoking addiction.

4) Think about the Good Benefit

This method is more towards in training your mind so that you can control your addiction. For example, if you really want to get your sense of taste back, the only way to get it is by quitting smoking. There is no other way around.

Another example will be your health. If you are afraid of getting heart attack, stroke or cancer at very young age, your mind will tell you not buy anymore cigarettes.

5) Having a Good Focus

You are not going to get the quit smoking results you always wanted if you are having difficulties to stay focus. Always remember what your goal is and do not stop at nothing. There will be lots of hurdles along the way but you can easily overcome it once you manage to stay focus.

All the above are the best quit smoking methods that you can do. There is no denying about it but quitting taking anymore cigarettes is not easy to do. Do not ever give and always believe in yourself for your good sake.

Colon Cancer and Liver Disease

Colon Cancer is the hyperproliferation of abnormal cells or cancer cellular mass in the actual colon. As the word cancer implies, colon cancer is a malignant and metastasic condition the may evade other organs.

Our colon is a muscular, tube-shaped organ measuring approximately 4 feet long. It goes on from the end of your small intestine to your anus, perverting and whirling through the abdomen (belly).

Cancer is a malignant tumor that spreads and affects other organs. Once cancer reaches the blood vessels or lymph nodes, it evades the nearby organ then and if the abnormal proliferation of cells is left untreated. Cancers are a life-threatening condition because of their uninhibited growth. They overpower and devastate healthy cells, tissues, and by taking their space, oxygen, and nutrients. Most colon cancers are adenocarcinomas—tumors that grow from the glands lining inside the colon wall. Oftentimes, colon cancer is referred to colorectal cancer since the rectum is the end point of the colon

The liver, on the other hand, serves as the body’s filter against toxins. It has 300 functions, some of those are clearing the toxins carried in the blood, functionally assisting in blood clotting, production of enzymes useful for actual digestion and for the production of albumin. The liver can repair itself efficiently. But with the continuous attack of toxins and infections, the liver becomes so scarred to the point that it can no longer function anymore.

This gradual destruction of the actual liver tissues is called the chronic liver disease. For a span of over 20 to 40 years, chronic liver disease progresses slowly from hepatitis to cirrhosis. Serious chronic liver disease will eventually lead to the need of a liver transplant, the only option that will be left in advance stages of the disease.

Cirrhosis of the actual liver is the consequence of this chronic liver disease which is characterized by the replacement of the functional liver tissue by a fibrotic scar orange-yellow tissue. Cirrhosis is 11th leading caused of death and does affect twice as much men as actual women. Because of the chronic damage to the liver, blood flow in the organ diminishes as well as the processing of nutrients, hormones, poison and drugs because of the loss of the normal liver tissues that do that job. This unfiltered substances passing through the actual liver and into the body will cause more complications and health problems.

Colon Cancer and Liver Disease Causes, Risk Factors

Mainly, colorectal cancers come up from adenomatous polyps, clusters of abnormal cellular mass in the glands that surround the internal colon walls. Eventually, these abnormal growths expand and eventually deteriorate to become adenocarcinomas.

People have a greater-than-normal risk of actual colorectal cancer with any of numerous conditions identified as adenomatous polyposis syndromes. Numerous adenomatous polyps grow in the colon in many conditions and lead to colon cancer.

Cancer typically happens before 40 years of age. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) has the tendency to likely run in families.

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) syndromes are another division of colon cancer syndromes that also run in families. Colon cancer is developed without the forerunner polyps in these conditions. This HNPCC is related to genetic abnormality. This is associated with a genetic discrepancy, and people prone to this particular type of disorder ca be recognized by genetic screening. Cancer tumor markers are also tested to screen and detect precancerous and malignant tumors.

People with the following conditions are at high risk of acquiring this particular type of cancer:

· Ulcerative colitis or Crohn colitis (Crohn disease)

· Breast, ovarian, or uterine present or in the near to long-time past

· A familial history of colon cancer, 2-3 times risk for individuals with first-degree relative diagnosed with colon cancer, and it increases if there are more than one affected family member

· Obesity may affect the actual risks involved in the development of colon cancer

· Cigarette smoking has been identified to definitely be related to a functional higher risk for actual Colon cancer.
Colon Cancer Symptoms

Cancer of the colon and rectum can show itself in numerous ways. Bleeding or presence of fresh blood mixed with stool is the most frequent sign of colorectal cancer. Fatigue and pale skin may be associated with this condition since occult and chronic bleeding causes anemia. Blocking of the colon, may be complete or partial, may happen if the tumor grows larger, and may cause bowel obstruction. Abdominal distension and abdominal pain and leaking of the bowel contents to the pelvis may cause inflammation and infection (peritonitis) may be present. Unexplained or sudden weight loss, unexplained and persistent nausea or vomiting, change in the character and frequency of stool and bowel movements, ribbon-like or narrow stool, feeling of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement are mostly present in patients with colorectal cancer.
Liver Disease Symptoms

Cirrhosis, on the other hand, has many different causes but it is often due to alcoholism and Hepatitis (C, commonly). Obtained from autopsies studies, it appears that 10% to 15% of alcoholics have liver cirrhosis at the time of their death. Heavy drinking in men for many years causes severe damage to the liver. But nowadays, women are actually much susceptible to liver damage due to alcoholism. Inflammation of the actual liver caused by chronic hepatitis or viral infections will scar the liver after a considerable number of actual years or decades. This scarring, as we now know, will surely lead to actual cirrhosis.

Also, toxins can add up to this scarring. If the actual liver is already scarred, if not severe, and there is a continued in take of toxins which includes prescribed and unprescribed drugs, parasitic infections called schistosomiasis and other environmental toxins, cirrhosis will eventually eat your liver. Cirrhosis can also be actually caused by inherited diseases like Wilson’s disease of copper metabolism, hemocromatosis (a condition of excessive iron presence in the actual body), galactosemia and glycogen storage disease.

Non-alcoholic people can still also develop cirrhosis. This happens when fats build up and are stored by the actual liver causing scar tissue , or scientifically called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) which is associated with actual diabetes, obesity, coronary artery disease and treatment using functional corticosteroid medications.

Babies can also have biliary cirrhosis due to biliary atresia, a condition in which bile ducts are blocked or absent.

Other causes of cirrhosis are chemical exposure, obstruction of outflow of blood from the liver, cystic fibrosis, malnutrition, alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency and autoimmune hepatitis.

Colon Cancer and Liver Disease Treatment and Prevention

The principal treatment of colon cancer is to surgically take out part or the entire colon. Indicative polyps may be removed for the duration of colonoscopy. Chemotherapy after surgery can lengthen the survival for people whose cancer has extended to the near lymph nodes. Radiation treatment after surgery extends the survival for individuals with rectal cancer, but it doesn’t aid people with colon cancer. Radiation may reduce the size of the tumor if given before the surgery. And if given after treatment, it shows to reduce the actual risk of coming back of cancer after treatment.

Diet of high-fiber, low-fat diet can help prevent colon cancer. Research shows that an actual diet rich in vegetables and fruits can help prevent colon cancer, as well as regular exercise can help prevent its occurrence. Drug effects may help in reducing the actual risk involved in the development of colon cancer, like estrogen replacement therapy and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin may reduce colorectal cancer risk. The best prevention is the detection of colon cancer and treats it early in its formation. Regular screening for colon cancer, including fecal occult blood tests, colonoscopy, or sigmoidoscopy and polyp removal, significantly reduces the actual risk of having a colorectal cancer.

We all know that actual prevention is far better than functional cure. Then the best way to prevent liver cirrhosis is through complete abstinence from alcohol. It is common to alcoholics to be malnourished. Therefore, they will need more calories and rigorous nutritional diet and support to increase the survival rates. To prevent hepatitis-related cirrhosis, treatment for the different types of hepatitis, such as medication intake of interferon for viral hepatitis and corticosteroid for the autoimmune hepatitis, is involved. For the prevention or medication of cirrhosis caused by Wilson’s disease, it should be treated with chelation therapy to remove excessive copper traces in the organ. More specific treatment for the disease will be determined and discussed by your physician, depending on your need and your age bracket.

Today, there is still no effective treatment existing for liver scarring but only treatment to the causes of it. However, there are studies now about cellular and molecular mechanisms for treating scarring. But before the day comes when the treatment will be introduced, the best we can do now is to prevent causes of actual cirrhosis or reduce the progression to liver scarring or worst to liver cancer.

Causes of Hair Loss

There are many factors that participate in hair loss process some of them are environmental factors while some are genetic factors.The commonest kind of hair loss in men and women is Androgenic absence of hair which is also known as pattern of hair loss in men or in women.Most of the time genetic factor becomes the reason of baldness as it compels those small sacs, which are found on the surface of the hair to react in a negative manner to the hormones that are found in the body.

Hairlessness in women

Women’s pattern of hair loss is different from male-pattern hairlessness.Usually in women the hair gets thin everywhere on the head and the thin line of hair does not move backward.Similarly, Androgenic absence of hair seldom or never causes total hairlessness among women.

Baldness in men

As baldness is frequently found among the men and its most common causes are genetic and environmental.In men environmental and genetics causes equally contribute in hair loss and it is not just to blame only to the genetic causes.Many men begin to loss their hair at an early age like 22 or 25 years.With the passage of time the loss of hair increases and leads towards complete hairlessness.In males hair loss starts from the hairline and moves backward.Sometimes it also starts at the top of the head and expands like a circle.

Some other medical reasons behind hair loss

Hair loss can occur because of many other medical reasons besides genetically related reasons.Sometimes people who have to undergo through some large operation or they have to face some sort of sickness, these people often become an easy victim of hair loss. Luckily this sort of hair loss is often proves timely loss and it is linked to anxiety.

Change in hormonal conditions also causes hairlessness.Hyperactive or under active thyroid gland may cause hair loss.Similarly, a disturbance in male and female hormones can also cause hair loss and the cure for such sort of hairlessness is just to correct this disturbance.

In several cases, women have to face hair loss after three or four months of delivery.This also occurs due to disturbance in hormonal cycle and women get through it as the hormones lead toward their usual cycle.

Hair loss can also occur as a side effect of some drug or medication. There are many medicines like drugs which are used in chemotherapy, blood thinners, drugs that are used in the treatments of swollen joints, excessive Vitamin A and contraceptive pills often cause hair loss. But the hair loss due to these medications is temporary and when these drugs are no more used, hair loss stops and growth becomes normal again.

Some skin diseases also cause hair loss and Alopecia areata is one of such diseases.

Sometimes it happens so that some shampoos, hair dyes or some hair tonics do not match skin and cause reactions and allergies these sort of reactions and allergies also lead towards hair loss.

What are Hot Flushes?

Hot flushes (flashes) are episodes of intense warm feeling on the face and upper trunk. They are due to instability of regulation of skin vessels, mostly in menopausal women. Flushes are supposedly caused by hormonal changes in menopause, but exact mechanism still remains unclear.


* Hot flushes may appear every hour or only few times a week. They may last for few to several minutes and may vary in intensity a lot.
* Flushing appears on the face, chest, back of the neck, and eventually spreads over the entire body.
* Redness or sweating may be barely notable, or prominent.
* If they happen only at nigh, they are called night sweats - they may disturb sleeping.
* Flashes may appear few years before menopause, and may last few years after it.
* Young menstruating women may experience hot or cold flashes in premenstrual period.
* Fainting may occur in strong attacks.
* Mood swings and depression are common.
* There is no symptoms between flushing episodes.
* Long term flushing may result in acne rosacea.
* Men may experience hot flushes in anti-testosteron therapy of prostatic cancer.

Causes of Hot Flushes

Beside menopause, following conditions may be related with hot flushes:

* Carcinoid
* Cancers: medullary ccinoma of thyroid, pancreatic carcinoma, pheochromocytoma (cancer of adrenal medulla), brain tumors,
* Medications: nitrates, tamoxifen, raloxifene, anti-androgens (e.g. cyproterone), danazol
* psychic instability

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to determine your menstrual cycle

I realize that every woman is different and our cycles may vary greatly depending upon physical health, stress and age. After being on the pill for years, then receiving a tubal ligation, I re-discovered the timely workings of my body!

Just for the fun of it, I began calculating the days it took for me to get my period, ovulate, then begin the menstruate all over again. I also found out that compared to some of my girlfriends, our cycles vary from 28 to 35 days. If one of my friends was stressed out, her period came later. I realized that my body will always ovulate at exactly 14 days after the first day of my last menstrual period. It last for about 12 hours and makes me more aggressive, probably due to the fact that I have a constant cramp in my left or right side and it gets on my nerves after a few hours! Rarely will I take anything, because in fact it is a slight cramping, but not enough to warrant medication, but just enough to be constantly in the background reminding you it's there. I have taken one Advil before going to bed because the cramping was a little stronger than usual and would keep me up during the night.

Then exactly 14 days later, my period starts up for about 3-4 days. So in all, it is regular as clockwork, 28 days. I have noticed that maybe 2-3 times during the year, I will have a cycle of 26 days. Why? No clue what so ever. Also, I discovered that once or twice in the year, the same ovary will ovulate two months in a row! I guess the other ovary was on vacation! Also, 1-2 days before ovulating, I have trouble sleeping at night, tossing and turning. Then when I do ovulate, I'm back to sleeping soundly.

So, going along my personal experience, the best way to calculate your menstrual period is to count from the first day that you start up until the last day before your next period begins. This way, after a few months you can average out the length of your cycles. Also, if you are listening and in tune with your body, you'll know when you ovulate and when you are near to ovulating. Believe me, lots of things will happen! You will certainly find yourself wanting to be more sexually intimate a few days before and during your ovulation. I guess this is an instinctive bodily response that helps know deep down when we can get pregnant, a sort of built in "make sure you get pregnant and preserve the human species!" type of alarm system. lol!

I find that it is a way to get to know your body and when you do, it gives you a comfort, power and knowing that really feels good!

Life insurance from an Islamic perspective III

Would it be permissible to work for a commercial insurance company that makes most of its income through car insurance? Responding to the question, Dr. Monzer Kahf, a prominent economist and counselor, states the following: Insurance is not unanimously prohibited. There are many scholars who believe that if insurance is not interest-based, it is permissible provided that the subject of insurance is also permissible (for example, it is prohibited to insure a shipment of liquor). I personally follow this latter opinion.

Why is conventional insurance not permissible in Islam?

Conventional insurance contains elements contradictory to Islamic Shari'ah.

Gharar "Uncertainty"

The insurance contract contains uncertainty due to: Uncertainty whether the payment will be accepted as promised The amount to be paid is not known The time it will occur is not known Any form of contract which is lopsided in favour of one party at the expense and unjust loss to the other is classified as Gharar. When a claim is not made the insurance company may acquire all the profits whilst the participant may not obtain any profit whatsoever.

The loss of premiums on cancellation of a life insurance policy by the policyholder, or the "double standard" condition of charging a customary short period in general insurance, whilst only a proportional refund is made if the insurance company terminates the cover is also considered as unjust.

Maisir Gambling

The participant contributes a small amount of premium in hope to gain a large sum.The participant loses the money paid for the premium when the insured event does not occur

The company will be in deficit if claims are higher than contributions

When a life insurance policyholder dies after only paying part of the premium his dependants receive a certain some of money which the policyholder has not been informed of and has no knowledge as to how and from where it has been derived.

Riba - Interests

An element of interest exists in conventional life insurance products - as the insured, on his death, is entitled to get much more than he has paid Insurance funds invested in financial instruments such as bonds and stocks contain and element of Riba

I feel obliged to say a few things aboutthe insurance because of the recent references to it. When the Muftis were asked for an opinion on any matter, they did not just tell the people that they should do this or that; or this is supposed to be this way or that way without explaining from the Quran the reasons for his answer. They would refer to the verses from the Quran. That was their source. They did not make up laws or come up with understandings out of nowhere.

We cannot loosely use what they had concluded and said during private conversations or even in Quranic studies without qualifying the time, place, context, reasons and references for such statements. We know that when they thought something was crucial for the community, they would give a Khutbah and have it recorded, or write articles in the newspapers or online newletters. Again, their opinion were based on the Quran. Some of the verses that they had based on their opinion about this subject are as follows :

[13:11] ... If GOD wills any hardship for any people, no force can stop it.... [39:38] ... If GOD willed any adversity for me, can they relieve such an adversity? And if He willed a blessing for me, can they prevent such a blessing?" Say, "GOD is sufficient for me." In Him the trusters shall trust. [6:80] ... Nothing can happen to me, unless my Lord wills it... [3:175] It is the devil's system to instill fear into his subjects. Do not fear them and fear Me instead, if you are believers.

There are also many other verses that give us the concept that only God can protect us; and if He wants to give us some trouble, no insurance can stop it. However, the messenger was also aware that no one submitter was the same. Trusting in God and coming to the conclusion that God controls everything and runs everything is a process and cannot be forced on people. It is a commandment that we shall trust in God. Yet how many of us truly live that statement every single moment of our lives. If we could, the test would be over or very easy.

That is why it is dangerous to make statements like "the messenger said this was Haram or prohibited" as a general statement. It does not serve any purpose. It makes the messenger seem as if he is making laws that were not in the Quran. Instead it would be better for us to quote the verses on which the messenger based his understanding or conclusion.

For those who want to go and listen to opinions from the Muslim organizations, or from religious scholars there is nothing wrong with doing so, as long as you study the information in the light of the Quran. If you are referring to those because you think the Quran lacks that information, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Plus you might be implying inadvertently the same thing that Mohammedans are implying that the Quran simply do not have all the information necessary for our salvation, and that we need additional sources besides the Quran.

We all know that they have always referred to the Quran for their views, based on the knowledge at their current stage of development. They have to correct some of the things they were advocating as they later gained a better understanding of the meaning of the verses in accordance with the will and mercy of God. If we can stick to what God left us with, the authorized translation of the Quran, and leave all the details to the growth of the individual submitters, we will avoid division and unnecessary arguments.

If you arrive at the same conclusion as the messenger in what you should do in matters that are outside the practices of religion, that is fine. But keep in mind that each of us come to Submission from different backgrounds. We all have different circumstances. We all learn at different paces and have different levels of understanding. Furthermore, none of us is perfect. In any case, do not force your opinion on others. Take the example from the messenger who gave us the freedom in such matters, as God instructs us in the Quran

In conclusion, be judges of yourselves, not others. Let the people practice the religion of submission in total freedom, without fearing reprisal from the fellow submitters. Enjoin others to do the right things using the Quran, but never force your opinion down their throats. If we cannot tolerate the freedom of expression or the right to question and answer amicably, we will never be part of the mission that God sent His messenger of the Covenant for: To purify and unite all the existing religions - Submission to God alone.

Life insurance from an Islamic perspective II

The tabarru' concept is incorporated in Takaful contract to eliminate the uncertainty element. A participant shall agree to relinquish as tabarru', certain proportion of his Takaful contributions that he agrees or undertakes to pay. Consequently, enables him to fulfil his obligation of mutual help and joint guarantee should any of his fellow participants suffer a defined loss. The sharing of profit or surplus that may emerge from the operations of takaful, is made only after the obligation of the assisting the fellow participants is fulfilled. It is imperative for a Takaful operator to maintain adequate assets of the defined funds under its care whilst simultaneously striving prudently to ensure the funds are sufficiently protected against undue over-exposure.

I was automatically enrolled for life insurance with my company. I would like to know if I must cancel the life insurance policy or not. Can you please explain if it is haram or halal and why?

Life insurance is a new contract not known in the history of Fiqh. Muslim scholars have different opinions regarding this kind of insurance. Responding to the question, Dr. Monzer Kahf, Scholar in Islamic Economics & Financial Expert, states the following:

In the circles of contemporary Shari'ah scholars, there are three opinions about life insurance. They all recognize that it is a new contract not known in the history of Fiqh. A minority consider it haram and with all kinds of argument against it including Riba, gambling, gharar and speculation on the will of Allah. This view does not carry much weight.

The second view is that it contains gharar because no one knows whether the liability of the insurer (the company) will ever materialize nor when it will, if ever. This is a serious gharar that leads to a major defect in the contract. It is therefore forbidden.

The third opinion is presented by the late Sheikh Mustafa al Zarka.

He argued that the gharar in the contract is remedied by the fact that it is a contract based on overwhelming statistical knowledge and the application of the theory of probability. With this in mind, there is no gharar on the part of the insurer and the contract is permissible with two conditions: that it contains no Riba clause and that its subject (insured thing) be legitimate. These two conditions rule out regular fixed return life insurance because the value of the policy is the outcome of investment premiums at a compounded rate of interest, (while variable - return life is permissible if the funds are invested in the Shari'ah approved stocks or mutual funds).

They also rule out insuring a prohibited activity such as casinos.The advocators of the second opinion argue that the gharar problem applies only in exchange contracts. If the contract is modified and restructure on the basis of cooperation or mutuality, where there will be an association of the insured instead of a profit motivated insurer company, the gharar is then tolerated.

This is so because the relation between the association and its members become based on contribution or tabarru' rather than exchange and a tabarru' can accommodate certain conditions ( i.e., that the association compensate in case a hazardous event happens). On the basis of this all the "Islamic insurance companies" were established.In this regards, al-Zarka adds, that if a mutual or cooperative insurance exists he prefers it to profit motivated insurance out of his respect to the opinion of opponents.

There is an old argument (from the 1950s), even by those who oppose insurance, that whenever insurance is forced by law, one must do it and one is excused, from the Shari'ah point of view.

This include car insurance, social security, workman compensation, and employer's imposed insurance if it is not optional for the employee to this we add another element that if the insurance provided by the employer is paid completely from the employer, i.e., given as a fringe benefit without deducting any part of the premium from the pay checks, then it is a kind of grant from the employer and if a hazard happens the paid policy amount is halal because it is an outcome of the grant.

Now think for yourself: if your life insurance is only term life, you may apply the opinion of Sheikh al-Zarka, and if it is imposed by employer, you also have room to accommodate, and if it is a grant from employer it is also tolerated. Otherwise you need to see the specifics of the contract you have and determine, in the light of the above briefing, whether you keep or seek to withdraw from it.

Can we have car insurance for all the risks, or just the obligatory car insurance?

Dr. Monzer Kahf, Scholar in Islamic Economics & Financial Expert, states the following: "Insurance service and contracts were invented and developed over the last four centuries in Europe, then extended to the Americas. They reached the Muslim World in the Nineteen century.

Obviously, they were not known at the time of revelation of the Shari'ah nor at the time of the great scholars who founded the known Fiqhi Schools. Over the last more than a hundred years, Muslim scholars considered insurance as a new service that accompanies new risks intrinsic to technological applications, and as a contract.

Thus, in addressing it, two points of view have been developed: one that studies insurance within the context of its environment, i.e., the presence of a large number of people exposed to similar risks that call for the application of the theory of probability and what is called the laws of large numbers; the other regards insurance as only a specific relationship between two parties regardless of its environment. The first trend was led by the late Sheikh Mustafa Al-Zarqa. He argued that, as a new service and contract, insurance companies gather together the risks of a large number of people and redistribute them in a manner that makes them bearable.

This is a form of lawful cooperation that is compatible with the general objectives of the Shari'ah and hence the theory of probability is taken into consideration, the insurance contract does not contain any unbearable amount of ambiguity or undue uncertainty.

According to this view all kinds of insurance contracts (cars, hazards, accidents, transportation, life, etc.) are all permissible provided two conditions are fulfilled:

1. The contract must not contain any Riba element.

2. The object of insurance must be permissible in the Shari'ah i.e., insuring a shipment of liquor is not permissible. It doesn't matter whether this cooperation is founded by a group of concerned persons in the form of cooperatives or by a venture person or a company that takes charge of offering the service of pooling together the risks of a large number of persons.

Consequently, car insurance is permissible for the obligatory liability as well as for the value of the car and the hazards to driver and passengers and every other insurance coverage related to cars and driving them.

According to the second view, any conventional insurance contract between two persons contains elements of Riba, ambiguity, and gharar. It entails Riba because you pay small premium and get back a large sum should a risk occur. It also involves gharar because you don't know whether you will get the large sum or not since you don't know whether a hazard will happen, and ambiguity because you don't know the exact amount you get (though you know the maximum only) nor when it is going to be given to you since you don't know when an accident will happen.

Life insurance from an Islamic perspective I

In modern business, one of the ways to reduce the risk of loss due to misfortunes is through insurance. The concept of insurance where resources are pooled to help the needy does not contradict Shariah.

The concept is in line with the principles of compensation and shared responsibilities among the community. It is not a new concept, in fact it had been practised by the Muhajrin of Mecca and the Ansar of Medina following the hijra of the Prophet over 1400 years ago. It is generally accepted by Muslim Jurists that the operation of conventional insurance does not conform to the rules and requirements of Shariah.

Conventional insurance involves the elements of uncertainity (Al-gharar) in the contract of insurance, gambling (Al-maisir) as the consequences of the presence of uncertainty and interest (Al-riba) in the investment activities of the conventional insurance companies which contravene the rules of Shariah. Takaful is an alternative form of cover which a Muslim can avail himself against the risk of loss due to misfortunes.

It is a Muslim's belief that any misfortune that befalls him, that results in the loss of life or belongings, is by the will of the Almighty Allah. At the same time, we are also taught to take positive steps to avoid or reduce the possibility of these misfortunes as indicated by the hadith:

"The Prophet (s.a.w.) told a Bedouin who left his camel untied to the will of Allah: Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (Narrated by at-Tirmizi and Ibn Majah)

Nowadays, insurance is seen as a means of action undertaken to reduce the risk of loss due to misfortunes. An alternative form of cover a Muslim can avail himself against the consequences of catastrophe and disaster is by participating in Takaful schemes. It is a scheme based on solidarity, shared responsibility and brotherhood among members. Participants of this scheme all agree to mutually help each other by contributing financially on the basis of tabarru' (donation).

Insurance as a concept does not contradict the practices and requirements of Syari'ah. In essence, insurance is synonymous to a system of mutual help. It is the pooling of resources to help the needy, a scheme which is similar to the principles of compensation and shared responsibility among the community, as practised between the Muhajirin of Mecca and the Ansar of Medina following the hijra of the Prophet over 1400 years ago.

However, Muslim Jurists are of the opinion that the operation of the conventional insurance, in its presence form, does not conform to the rules and requirements of Syari'ah as it embodies the following three elements:

(i) Gharar The unknown or uncertain factors in operation of a contract in life insurance contracts.

(ii) Maisir Gambling arises as the consequence of the presence of Gharar, particularly in the case of life insurance.

(iii) Riba Interest and other related practices that do not conform to the Syari'ah in the investment activities.

Birth of Takaful in Malaysia The foundation for the development of Takaful or Islamic insurance was set by the wish of Muslim to realign more to Islamic practices in the economic activities coupled with the strong support from the Government for Islamic financial services. In the same manner as conventional banking requires the services of insurance, Islamic banking also needs the services of insurance. It is befitting that the insurance services for Islamic banking must be based on a system acceptable to Islam. Takaful Concept In Malaysia, the provision of insurance cover as a form of business in conformity with Syari'ah is based on the following Islamic principles: (i) Al-Takaful The pact among a group of people called participants, reciprocally guaranteeing each other against loss or damage that may befall any one of them.

(ii) Al-Mudharabah The commercial profit sharing contract between the provider(s) of funds (participants) for a business venture and the entrepreneur who actually conducts the business.

(iii) Tabarru' The agreement by a participant to relinquish as tabarru' (donation), a certain proportion of the Takaful contribution that he agrees or undertakes to pay, thus, enabling him to fulfil his obligation of mutual help and joint guarantee should any of his fellow participants suffer a defined loss.

Thus, the operation of Takaful may be envisaged as a profit sharing business venture between Takaful operator and the individual members of a group of participants who wish to reciprocally guarantee each other against certain loss or damage endured by any one of them. The operation of Takaful is confined within the Tijari (commercial) sector or popularly known as the private sector.

The traditional aspects of the commercial activity of Takaful must be subject to Islamic contractual laws to ensure its compliance with Syari'ah. Within this fundamental framework contract of tijari, Takaful is therefore based on the Islamic principle of Al-Mudharabah.

Understanding How Your Credit History May Affect Your Car Insurance Coverage

Many personal auto insurance companies consider your credit information when determining how much premium to charge for your insurance. So if you are calling around for new insurance, keep in mind that many insurers are looking at your credit history. I hope that we will be able to let you know why and how they do this.

The reason that some insurance companies use credit information is because there is a direct correlation between consumer's credit history behaviors and expected claims that may occur. Therefore, they feel that people with better credit behavior are less likely to have severe insurance losses.

The companies that do use credit scoring will still use other factors in determining your premium. They will also use your age, driving history, type of vehicle, where you live in determining how much you should pay for your insurance. Therefore, if you have not established a credit history yet, the companies that use credit history may not be best for you. They may not allow you to be eligible for certain discounts, which could result in higher premiums.

Is it fair for an insurance company even look at my credit information without my permission? The answer is yes. The Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act says "Reasonable procedures. It is the purpose of this title to require that consumer reporting agencies adopt reasonable procedures for meeting the needs of commerce for consumer credit, personnel, insurance, and other information in a manner which is fair and equitable to the consumer, with regard to the confidentiality, accuracy, relevancy, and proper utilization of such information in accordance with the requirements of this title." Found at

If you feel that your credit history is better then the insurer can find, make sure the insurer has your correct name, address, social security number, and date of birth.

Some insurance companies will look directly at your actual credit reports when determining your rate, however most will use what is called an "insurance credit score." An insurance credit score is developed by using statistical techniques and methods to predict the likelihood a consumer will have a higher than anticipated loss. These are similar to what lenders use to predict the reliability of an applicant repaying a loan.

Insurance companies use many factors in determining your credit score. Here are some examples of those factors:

* Public records: bankruptcy, collections, foreclosures, liens, charge-offs, etc.
* Past payment history: the number and frequency of late payments and the days between the due date and late payment date.
* Length of credit history: the amount of time you have been in the credit system.
* Inquiries for credit: the number of times you have recently applied for new credit, including mortgage loans, utility accounts, and credit card accounts.
* Number of open lines of credit: the number of credit cards, whether you use them or not.
* Type of credit in use: major credit cards, store credit cards, finance company loans, etc.
* Unused credit: how much you owe compared to how much credit is available to you.

Your insurance credit score may differ from company to company, as they will use different factors in determining your premium. Notice that we call it an insurance credit score. This means that it encompasses many factors including credit.

Since each insurance company uses different techniques to determine your credit score it is hard to tell you what a good credit score is. Usually a good credit score will result in lower premiums.

Your agent or company is not obligated to tell you your credit score. In fact, they might not even know what it is. All they usually know is that your credit score qualifies you for a specific rate or policy. Some companies also offer better rates under each qualifying tier.

If you feel that there is incorrect information on your credit report, you should tell the credit bureau. If you report an error, the credit bureau must investigate the error and get back to you within 30 days. You can ask the credit bureau to send a notice of the correction to any creditor or insurer that has checked your file in the past six months. Once the errors are corrected, it is a good idea to get a new copy of your credit report several months later to make sure the wrong information has not been reported again.

Tell your insurance company. Do not wait until the credit bureau investigates the errors to contact your insurer. Tell your insurance company right away and ask if the errors will make a difference in your insurance. If the errors are big, tell your insurer that you are disputing the information and ask if they will wait to use your credit information until the errors are corrected. Small errors may not have much affect on your insurance credit score. If the errors are big, it can make a significant difference in your premium. Some companies are unable to adjust the premiums until the score is corrected, but it does not hurt to ask.

If you have taken the steps to improve your credit score, you should ask your insurance company to re-evaluate your credit score at renewal.

How Much Car Insurance Should We Buy?

Car insurance is not very exciting. Depending on which state we live in, it could be a smaller or larger piece of your budget than our neighbors across state lines.
How much insurance should we buy? Any insurance agent worthy of their salt will tell us that we should buy as much as we can afford. While this is a good rule of thumb, it is about as useful as a stockbroker’s tip to buy low and sell high. It might be sound logic but it does not get we any closer to an educated decision. A few filters need consideration in order to make that educated decision. First, what is the state required minimum coverage where you live? Second, what does the minimum cover? Third, what other coverage is available and can we afford it? Fourthly, what are we protecting?

We can use our easy Insurance Coverage Calculator or get an auto insurance quote to see the recommended coverage levels.

What is the minimum for your state?

You can get up to date state minimum requirements by following this link and selecting your state.

The first two figures refer to Bodily Injury Liability Limits. For example, 20/40 means coverage up to $20,000 for each person injured in an accident, up to a maximum of $40,000 forth entire accident, and then you could have 20/40/10 with $10,000 worth of coverage for property damage.

What do the minimums cover?

Now that you know what your state requires, what are you actually covered for once you purchase the minimum? Using the coverage definitions that follow, find the types of coverage required and see what your state says is the accepted minimum.

Coverage Definitions

Bodily Injury Liability covers other people's bodily injuries or death for which you are responsible. It also provides for a legal defense if another party in the accident files a lawsuit against you. Claims for bodily injury may be for such things as medical bills, loss of income or pain and suffering. In the event of a serious accident, you want enough insurance to cover a judgment against you in a lawsuit, without jeopardizing your personal assets. Bodily injury liability covers injury to people, not your vehicle. Therefore, it's good idea to have the same level of coverage for all of your cars. Bodily Injury Liability does NOT cover you or other people on your policy. Coverage is limited to the terms and conditions contained in the policy.

Comprehensive covers your vehicle, and sometimes other vehicles you maybe driving for losses resulting from incidents other than collision. For example, comprehensive insurance covers damage to your car if it is stolen; or damaged by flood, fire, or animals. Pays to fix your vehicle less the deductible you choose. To keep your premiums low, select as high a deductible as you feel comfortable paying out of pocket. Coverage is limited to the terms and conditions contained in the policy.

Collision covers damage to your car when your car hits, or is hit by, another vehicle, or other object. Pays to fix your vehicle less the deductible you choose. To keep your premiums low, select as large a deductible as you feel comfortable paying out of pocket. For older cars, consider dropping this coverage, since coverage is normally limited to the cash value of your car. Coverage is limited to the terms and conditions contained in the policy.

Medical Payments covers medical expenses to you and your passengers injured in an accident. There may also be coverage if as a pedestrian a vehicle injures you. Does NOT matter who is at fault. Coverage is limited to the terms and conditions contained in the policy.

Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury covers bodily injuries to you and your passengers when the other person has no insurance or not enough insurance in a crash that is not your fault. In some states, there is also uninsured motorist coverage for damage to your vehicle. Given the large number of uninsured motorists, this is very important coverage to have, even in states with no-fault insurance. Coverage is limited to the terms and conditions contained in the policy

Personal Injury Protection covers within the specified limits, the medical, hospital and funeral expenses of the insured, others in his vehicles and pedestrians struck by him. The basic coverage for the insured's own injuries on first-party basis, without regard to fault. It is only available in certain states.

Property Damage Liability covers you if your car damages someone else's property. Usually it is their car, but it could be a fence, a house or any other property damaged in an accident. It also provides you with legal defense if another party files a lawsuit against you. It is a good idea to purchase enough of this insurance to cover the amount of damage your car might do to another vehicle or object. Coverage is limited to the terms and conditions contained in the policy.

Rental Car Reimbursement covers renting a car if your car isn't drivable or while your car is being repaired because of a covered accident.

What else is available and can you afford it?

Did you come across a coverage and think, "I need that but it isn't required by state law" when you were reviewing the coverage definitions? Chances are you did. Can your budget afford the additional expense of these protections? Alternatively, maybe more to the point can you afford NOT to have these additional protections? At it is easy to get multiple quotes all with a click of your mouse. Moreover, during the quoting process, it is simple to add or remove coverage to see how additional coverage will affect your budget.

You can learn more about Insurance Coverages by following this link.

What are you protecting?

What assets need to be protected from being plucked away if you cause injury or damage? A) Your car itself. If this is a significant asset, or at least the bank you owe money to thinks so, then you will need comprehensive and collision. B) Your net worth. Do you have an enormous net worth to protect. If so, either take it out of your name and put it into a trust or buy all the insurance you can. If you have little or nothing to protect, then you can get by with less and still be financially responsible.

However, after you determine how much protection to get, always ask how much more it is for the next level higher. Very often, you can get significantly more coverage for very little cost.

Car insurance is not flashy. There is no "wow" factor and the opposite gender is not going to be impressed by the size of your policy. Nevertheless, not having enough can be the difference between financial stability and financial ruin. For what its worth, finds financial stability incredibly appealing.